MEEN TYPEFACE USER LICENCE AGREEMENT YOU MUST AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE IN ORDER TO USE THE MEEN TYPEFACE. THIS LICENSE IS A LEGALLY BINDING AGREEMENT, NON-EXCLUSIVE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE, BETWEEN YOU AND BRAND.NEW, WHICH YOU AGREE TO WHEN YOU PAY YOUR INVOICE OR ONLINE ORDER. For the sake of brevity, 'Meen typeface' will be referred to as 'font' throughout this document. There are four types of licenses. The Desktop use, App use and Web use types, as chosen by the user during the purchase that apply for the full version of the font, and the Trial License that applies for the reduced font version, acquired through Α. Desktop License A1. The font may be installed on a certain number of computers, tablets or other mobile devices, as specified in the invoice, and used to design layouts for personal or client needs. A2. The cost of the Desktop license is based on the number of computers/users the font installs. The maximum number of simultaneous users is specified in the invoice. All users must be from the same company, organization or household. A3. Your clients may not have access to the font design unless they have their own license. You are not permitted to provide the font to a printer or any other third-party service for any use. A4. You can only install the font on a computer or tablet. To install the font on a server, The font may be embedded in documents for internal use or in documents sent to third parties (e.g., pdf). Such documents should not be editable. A5. You may not be embed the font in software or hardware products where the font will be used by the product purchasers and you may not install the font on a server, use it on websites or in mobile apps. A6. You must protect the font files by ensuring that they cannot be illegally copied and there is no network access to them. The font may only be copied once for backup purposes, and you must retain complete control over that copy. A7. You may not modify, alter, customise, disassemble or decompose the font in any way. A8. The font cannon be used to any video, film or TV broadcasting. A9. The font can be used to any social media content under the condition that the owner mentions the creator of the font, giving proper links to them. A10. The font cannot be used in political messages or by political parties without the written consent of A11. Responsible for the resolution of any disputes are the Greek courts in accordance with Greek and EU legislation. B. App / Video License B1. You can use this font for mobile applications or in the use of a video, film or broadcasting in TV. The application name the font installs or the video/film/broadcasting name the font is used are indicated in the invoice. B2. The cost of the App / Video license is based on monthly app or video traffic (total, for all media), as selected during the purchase at B2. The font cannot be used for the following without a specific license: printing matter, websites, logos and identity, packages, outdoor advertising, electronic publications, electronic advertising, more than one computer, transfer to contractors, web newsletter, interactive advertising, production studios, third-party sites, or html advertising. B5. You may embed the font into an iOS, Android, on a single Application Platform, ensuring that end users cannot access the font outside of the application. You can then distribute the application to end users worldwide. B6. The font can only be used in your own application or videos. You may not use it in other applications or videos. Your clients or production studios may not have access to the font design unless they have their own license. You are not permitted to provide the font to a printer or any other third-party service for any use. B7. You must ensure that the font is protected from being copied illegally. B8. The user of the application should not be able to access or use the font files in any way. The font should be embedded in the application in a manner that prevents it from being used in other applications installed on the same device or operating system. The font should only be used for design purposes in the application, and not be the main function. B9. The right to use the font may not be transferred to other persons. Font files may not be transferred to other people, either for free or for a fee. B10. You may not modify, alter, customise, disassemble or decompose the font in any way. B11.The font cannot be used in political messages or by political parties without the written consent of B12. Responsible for the resolution of any disputes are the Greek courts in accordance with Greek and EU legislation. C. Web License C1. The font may be used on your website in text, scalable captions, or bitmap images. The font may be installed on the web server that hosts the website content. The domain name for which the font is licensed is specified in the invoice. C2. The font can be used for online advertisements (web banners) if you purchase a separate license mentioning the name of the campaign in the specific field during the purchase. C3. The cost of the web license is based on monthly website or campaign traffic (page views per month), as indicated in your invoice. C4. You cannot use this font on other websites. If you move your website to another domain, please contact us. Website users should not be able to create images with captions and download them. This also applies to files like PDFs and Word documents. C5. The font cannot be used for the following without a specific license: printing matter, mobile applications, logos and identity, social networks, packages, outdoor advertising, video, TV broadcasting, electronic publications, transfer to contractors, third-party sites. C5. In order to create content (images or videos) for the website, you may acquire the Desktop and App/Video license. C6. You can use the font on a website where users generate content by selecting a font and entering or editing text using that font, provided the following conditions are met: The website should not enable the content to be used outside the website for purposes such as producing merchandise, PDF documents, image files, or personalised physical objects. The website’s font selection user interface must display the font’s original name. C8. If you want to use the font in newsletters, you need to license it based on the total number of monthly opens. C9. The set of web font files includes a CSS file. This file contains information on the copyright holder of the font, which should be reflected in the site’s CSS code. C10. You must ensure that the font is not accessible and that it is protected from illegal copying. C12. Website visitors are not allowed to access the font files. It is also prohibited to use the font files outside the website. If you want to use the font for interactive advertising on third-party sites or in HTML5 advertising, you need to get an upgraded license. If you want to use the font in a mobile app, you need to get an “Application” license. C13. The font cannot be used in local networks, on a server other than a web server, in closed and private networks, for displaying content with paid access, in paid web applications, or in mobile banks and financial services with limited access. For these uses, please contact us. C14. You may not modify, alter, customise, disassemble or decompose the font in any way. C15. The right to use the font cannot be transferred to other persons. If the entire website is transferred to someone, please contact us so we can take care of the issue. Font files cannot be transferred to other people, whether for free or for money. C16. Responsible for the resolution of any disputes are the Greek courts in accordance with Greek and EU legislation. D. Trial License D1. The trial version of the font is not a complete font. It is provided only for testing, experimenting and evaluation purposes, such as mock-ups or presentations to clients to showcase potential uses of the trial font. You may also use the font for personal projects, such as conceptual design work, on the condition of proper attribution to Any other use, such as in any kind of final and/or published project, may it be personal or commercial, is strictly forbidden. Such uses require a paid, commercial license from D2. You may showcase uses of the font on non-commercial, unpublished, mockup or concept projects on social media platforms on the condition of attribition to and creating links to or D3. makes no warranty, express or implied, that the trial version of the font is suitable for any specific purpose. D4. When testing the font for its potential use, you are obliged to do so only in a protected, offline environment. D5. The trial font cannot be shared with others. You may not sublicense, sell, lend or lease the font. D6. You may not open the original font in an editing software in order to reveal its structure, organization or code. D7. You may not use the original font file to create a derivative or modified product or design, including creating characters for alphabets and languages not covered by the typeface or designing custom versions of the typeface. D8. You may not embed the font software in any document, application, website or video stream which could be accessible publicly or by a third party. D9. You are entitled to embed the licensed font in a secured read-only mode, under the condition that you secure embedded documents against unauthorized use by any third party. D10. You may not embed the licensed font for the purpose of allowing third parties to create new documents or designs. D11. You may not install or use the font on a server that can be accessed via the Internet, via another external network system (a system other than LAN) or by workstations which are not part of a licensed unit. D12. You may not modify, alter, customize, disassmble or decompose the font in any way. D13. The font cannot be used in political messages or by political parties without the written permission of D14. Responsible for the resolution of any disputes are the Greek courts in accordance with Greek and EU legislation. registereded office 28 Didotou str. 10680, Athens Greece tel. 210 321 4 123 /-8 VAT No EL078876913 Meen, Meentype and are a registered trademarks of Mentzos Konstantinos © 2023